North Carolina Council of the Blind
September 25, 2021
Business Meeting Minutes
Chris Bell, President
Becky Davidson, First Vice President
Allen Moore, Second Vice President
Lacey Coward, Secretary
Jo Tolliferro, Treasurer
Reverend Donald Rains gave the invocation.
Chris Bell thanked the board members of the North Carolina Council of the Blind for their work during his term as president.
Chris discussed the Federal Court ruling giving North Carolina granting North Carolinians who are blind the right to cast their absentee ballots independently.
Dr. Ricky Scott shared his experience attending a panel at the White House with the Vice President of the United States.
Chris encouraged all members at large to become involved with the member at large chapter by contacting Peter Crumley.
Chris noted that the NCCB Articles of Incorporation have been updated.
Chris encouraged people to attend the upcoming ACB Legislative seminar in March of 2022.
Lacey Coward read the 2020 convention business meeting minutes.
Chris called for a motion for the 2020 convention meeting minutes to be adopted. Lawrence Carter made the motion. Becky Davidson seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by voice acclimation. Chris confirmed that the minutes were adopted.
Jo Tolliferro gave the treasurer’s report. There was no activity in the Brady Jones account. The NCCB savings account has $43,236.76. The NCCB checking account has $5,677.06. That account number ends in 2919. The Brady Jones account has $6,228.27. On June 15, 2021, Shell Bray was paid $750.00 for attorney fees. A refund of $325.00 was given in August of 2021, which was deposited back to the NCCB checking account. Chris called for a motion for the treasurer’s report to be adopted. Becky Davidson moved to adopt the treasurer’s report. Anthony Elig seconded the motion. The treasurer’s report was adopted.
Kendal Gibbs gave the advocacy committee report. COVID-19 vaccine advocacy has been the primary focus, along with screen reading software access to electronic information relating to COVID-19.
Becky Davidson gave the environmental access committee report. The committee has not met but has talked about the lack of accessible pedestrian signals; accessible sidewalks; and so on. The next step for the committee is to strategize on how people can advocate at the local level for improvements to be made.
Chris gave the investment committee report. The account has a total of $189,176.00.
Lacey Coward gave the membership committee report. The NCCB has 103 members who have paid their membership dues, which is a significant increase from previous reports.
Lawrence Carter gave the nominations committee report. He went over the people running for office. Lacey Coward ran for president. Becky Davidson ran for first vice president. Allen Moore ran for second vice president. Belinda Collins ran for secretary. Kolby Garrison ran for assistant secretary. Jo Tolliferro ran for treasurer. Jane Ferrita ran for assistant treasurer. Bill Graham ran for board member at large. Peter Crumley ran for board member at large. The election was uncontested.
Chris called for NCCB chapter reports. Anthony Ellig gave the Alamance chapter report. The chapter has not met in person due to the pandemic, but Anthony has been in contact with the 27 active members. The Charlotte chapter report was given by Kenny. The chapter has 4 to 5 active members and has been having guest speakers at their meetings. The Durham chapter report was given by Donald Rains. The chapter has 2 new members. The chapter has been advocating for issues concerning the blind and visually disabled community. They spoke with the North Carolina Medical Society of Ophthalmologist Surgery and the other medical association for eye doctors pointing out that North Carolina General Statute 111-1 through 111-4 states that all patients who are blind or visually impaired must be reported to NC DHHS and NC DSB. Both organizations told Mr. Rains that they would put out notification to their membership about the law in North Carolina. Public safety is another issue that the Durham chapter has been advocating for due to ongoing construction and construction cites. Mr. Rains also spoke about advocating for enforcement of the legislation requiring vehicles to stop and yield when there are pedestrians who are blind or visually impaired trying to cross the street. Mr. Rains’ efforts include taking pictures of occurrences; bringing the issue to the attention of news stations; speaking with police officers in the Durham PD; and speaking with North Carolina State Senator, Natalie Murdoc. The Durham chapter is working on membership growth.
The Greensboro chapter president gave her report. The chapter meets the first Thursday of the month at the coffee shop at Industries of the Blind. The chapter has two new members. The chapter will have a guest speaker at their October meeting to talk about independent living. The chapter members are keeping in contact with each other and raising funds for a women’s shelter.
Lawrence Carter gave the Raleigh/Wake chapter report. The chapter had the City of Raleigh’s ADA Coordinator; a City council woman; and the Governor Morehead School for the Blind principal as guest speakers at chapter meetings. The chapter donated to a food bank.
Bill Graham asked the Charlotte chapter president, Kenny Durden, if he was aware of the North Charlotte Lions Club. The club has 11 members who are blind and not tech savvy. Bill suggested Kenny speak to the group to make them aware of the NCCB.
Jo Tolliferro wanted to make sure that Guide Dog handlers are included in traffic safety conversations that occur.
Bob Warren spoke about testing the North Carolina accessible absentee ballot website and portal. He provided a feedback report to the ADA Coordinator for the North Carolina Board of Elections.
Chris Bell called for Lawrence Carter to make a motion for those running for the NCCB Board to be voted on as a slate. Lawrence made the motion that the nominees be nominated by acclimation and listed the people running for office. Anthony Ellig seconded the motion. Chris called for discussion and heard none brought forth. The election was held by raising hands in Zoom. 21 out of 30 hands were raised in Zoom in favor of electing the new slate of board members. Chris called for anyone opposed to raise their hand in Zoom. No hands were raised. The board members will be sworn in by Chris at the November board meeting.
Lawrence Carter talked about the 2022 convention being held in person in Raleigh, North Carolina. The dates for the convention will be September 23-25, 2022.
Donald Rains suggested that chapter presidents get together via conference call to work and communicate with each other. Chris agreed with the idea.
Lacey awarded door prizes.
Chris called for a motion to adjourn the business meeting. Lacey made the motion. Jo Tolliferro seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous voice acclimation.