Publicity Committee Reports
2022-02-12 Publicity Committee Report – NCCB Board Meeting
2022-01-17 Publicity Committee Newsletter article – Volume I Issue 1
2022-01-17 Publicity Committee Newsletter article – Volume I Issue 1
The Publicity Committee shall consist of at least the following members: Chair, Vice-Chair and at least two other members. The President and/or Secretary are encouraged to actively participate as ex-officio committee members.
The committee’s mission will be to communicate the NCCB message to all interested parties: members, potential new members, other local support groups, other ACB affiliates, the general public, governmental agencies and fundraising sources.
The Publicity Committee will have the following areas of Focus: The NCCB Newsletter Editor, The NCCB website Content Manager, Media posts & NC Governor Proclamations and a Accessible Media coordinator and coordinator.
The Publication Committee Goals for 2022 are: Establish a NCCB Newsletter & issue 4 quarterly Newsletters, Have the NCCB Newsletter read on the NC Reading Service, Establish a NCCB Web page Content Manager, Submit NC Governor Proclamation requests for White Cane Safety Day – October 15, 2022 and Braille Literacy Month – January, 2023 (requests currently have 120 day advance notice).
2022-02-12 Publicity Committee Report – NCCB Board Meeting
February 12th, 2022
Bill Graham, NCCB Publicity Committee Chair
The Publicity Committee has a new Chair. Evidently, this committee has been inactive for some time.
The Publicity Committee shall consist of at least the following members: Chair, Vice-Chair and at least two other members. The President and/or Secretary are encouraged to actively participate as ex-officio committee members.
The committee’s mission will be to communicate the NCCB message to all interested parties: members, potential new members, other local support groups, other ACB affiliates, the public, governmental agencies, and fundraising sources.
The original Publicity Committee Goals had the following areas of Focus:
- The NCCB Newsletter Editor
- The NCCB website Content Manager
- Media posts
- NC Governor Proclamations
- An Accessible Media Coordinator
- The “” Coordinator
Since that time, it has been determined that the: Groups.IO” function is more appropriately handled by the Secretary/NCCB IT Management Group.
The Publication Committee Goals for 2022 are:
- Establish a NCCB Newsletter & issue 4 quarterly Newsletters
- Have the NCCB Newsletter read on the NC Reading Service
- Establish a NCCB Web page Content Manager
- Submit NC Governor Proclamation requests for White Cane Safety Day – October 15, 2022
- Submit NC Governor Proclamation – Braille Literacy Month – January 2023 (requests currently have 120 day advance notice)
Reporting Period Results:
- Submitted $2,250.00 Budget request to fulfill Publicity Committee 2022Goals:
- Obtained approval from the NCCB Board to publish a NCCB Newsletter
- Published Volume I Issue 1 of the NCCB Newsletter
- 271 Emails of Volume I Issue 1 sent to groups such as NCCB members, the NC DHHS DSB Social Workers, the Governor Morehead Alumni Association and other Groups supporting the community of people who are blind or have low vision.
- Arranged for the NCCB Newsletter to be read on the NC Reading Service
- Worked with the Webmaster to determine how to make needed changes
- Recommended and obtained approval to form the “NCCB IT Management Group” to address issues such as Domain Name & ISP Hosting renewal and implementation and use of “”
Prepared by
Bill Graham, NCCB Publicity Committee Chair